
Since 2012… unforgettable souvenirs and best moments

KSR Story   /  

Everything started in 2012 when Simon invited a group of international ultra runners to run the 260km around world famous Mount Kilimanjaro to share what he loves … running and the beautiful country of Tanzania!

Since then the Kilimanjaro Stage Run has brought unforgettable souvenirs to each and every runner who has been part of it.

When Andrew King filmed the very first KSR:





When Krissy Moehl, Professional ultra-runner, joins the event:


When Trevor offers an impromptu Yoga class after A day’s run:


when Kilimanjaro’s peak treats us to a view:


When it’s celebration time after the day’s run:

When Maik and yannick get lost but have fun with kids from a primary school they found on their way:


When Steve came back in 2014 for his 2nd time to run KSR:


When we camp in schoolyards, providing the opportunity for special encounters:

When Tanzanian runner Ms. Banwelia Katesigwa joined the KSR as training for her own races:


When the international runners create a strong bond with Simon and the Tanzanians runners:



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