Details for runners

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Get Ready…


The following pre-departure information for KSR runners is designed to help prepare you for your running adventure in Tanzania. Please read it carefully as there is much information here, including items you should bring (clothing and gear, first aid kit, and snacks).

Although we have tried to be as comprehensive as possible, we may have missed answering a question or two that you might have. If so, please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone or email.

On the Trail…


A typical day on the Kilimanjaro Stage Run begins at sunrise with tea or coffee delivered to your tent. A full breakfast, consisting of fresh fruit, toast and breads, porridge, eggs, bacon, tea, coffee, and cocoa, is served in the dining tent at 7am. You will have time to pack up your sleeping bag and gear for transfer to the next camp and to prepare your running daypack with a minimum of 2,000 calories of snacks from your own supply and from the snack and water table, set up each morning. We gather for a brief review of the day and final check of the map before departure around 8am.

During the run day you carry your own water and snacks. We have a support vehicle that meets runners at irregular aid stops (distance between stops varies depending on road access, and meetings are never guaranteed). At the support vehicle you may refill water bottles and hydration packs and replenish your snacks. All water is bottled or filtered.

At Rest…


The running day ends with arrival at camp (usually between 2pm and 6pm), set up in advance by the camp crew, along with waiting drinks and snacks in the dining tent. At camps without shower facilities a basin of warm water will be prepared for each runner for a sponge bath. A nutritious and substantial dinner is prepared by our experienced mountain chefs and served around 7pm. At dinner there is an evening briefing about the following day’s route and schedule.